Sunday 5 December 2010

Wedded Bliss

I come from quite a social family. Although I don't have any siblings, my Grandparents had lots, so I have a plethora of Aunts, Uncles and cousins. Not always a positive thing but it means that our family 'do's' are always a gregarious and fun affair.

So, last night we attended a wedding reception, the first 'proper' social occasion we have actually been invited to since moving to our current location. I swear people must have thought I was from another planet as I gaily got into the swing of party mood socialising.

Notice I can abbreviate this to PMS and believe me you would have thought that most of the guests were suffering from it from the way they were acting.

My little Aardvark - aged 2, wanted to dance so up Mummy got and we pranced about on the dance floor just like we do at home. You would have thought I was swinging her about by her ankles with the looks I was getting.

Needless to say when I was on all fours with Rhino - aged 1, looking at the pretty disco ball lights on the floor I could hear the en-mass tutting above the very loud tones of Rick Astley saying he was 'Never gonna give you up'.

This brings me on to contemplate wedding etiquette and the fact that I might have to rein myself in a bit. I asked the hubstacle what he thought and he said that I socialise effectively for the whole family! I can only assume that this means I am over the top, but I cant just sit back with the others and look like I am having a totally rubbish experience at what is very important to someone else.

At my wedding the dance floor was packed with 4 generations of family, all of which doing Bohemian Rhapsody in perfect unison followed by the Macarena. It was a beautiful sight!

Anyhoo, we had a blast but what did amaze me was that today, I discovered that 3 people I knew were there (I didn't see them), but not one of them came up and said 'Hello' - How wude!

The table we sat at were, thank crikey, in the same mental state as us and we soon filled our end of the room with raucous laughter and general frivolity. Compared to most of the other guests who seemed to be permanently attached to their chairs, I think we more than made up the PMS.

I just wish people would not say they are coming to weddings and then not turn up. What is wrong with people now-a-days? However this can be saved for another entry.

The main thing was that the bride and groom had a lovely time, were happy and embark off into married life with their hopes and dreams alive!

I could write something sarcastic right now, but I had better let them feel the happiness for a while!

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