Monday 27 December 2010

New Year, New Life

Today we travelled to my out-laws to spend the day. My MIL has only just had an operation on her foot, so is at the moment hopping about like a lop-sided rabbit. Aardvark is very interested in the bandaged foot, but luckily both children managed to avoid standing, sitting, stamping, kicking, knocking or hitting it all day, which to be honest, was a concern of mine.

So Christmas happened all over again and there were more gifts to be opened, Santa obviously got a little muddled up this year. After this, my lovely SIL made an announcement that she is 11 weeks pregnant! This was really fantastic news and I am so happy as I get to be a 'proper' Auntie. The poor girl is suffering badly with nausea and I know exactly how she feels and how helpless everyone around you is.

Anyhow, she is off for her 12 week scan on the day Aardvark starts nursery school and the MIL goes back to the quacks to have her cast put on - it's all go in our family!

Things are good in life at the moment and the new year is an exciting prospect to think about as anything can happen.

The one thing I need to do, is write to my friend down south, her daughter was killed in a skiing accident at the start of December. I haven't been putting off writing to her intentionally but every time I sit down to write, I get very upset and the words won't come.

Lives lived, lives to be born, people to love, people to remember. Take every day with renewed energy and positivity, look forward and be excited about what is to come.

Be happy everyone x

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