Monday 20 December 2010

The Great Escape

We have pigs, and the next delivery of them arrived yesterday, so at the moment over 600 of the little darlings are on the farm. We started this debacle only a few months ago and boy oh boy have we learned some lessons.

Pigs are VERY VERY clever!

You absolutely cannot leave anything to chance or to idiotically presume that they will never work out how to get around things, because given half a chance, they will suss you out in a very short space of time!

This new lot were popped in to, what I like to call 'new arrivals reception' (a barn!) and after a lot of fighting, barking (yes they do bark - loudly), biting, eating and snuffling about they settled.

Most of them just then get themselves comfortable, have a little doze between meals and enjoy themselves. But, a hardcore, renegade group of 12 decided that they were going to watch our every move and make plan to alight the premises.

Between then and this morning, the 'Northumberland 12' worked out that if the door was just latched, they could actually open it. Sure enough, once they were certain of their theory, and the humans were absent, they put it to the test and Bingo! Out they got, down the track they went and then they thought it was a good idea to have an amble down the 'A' road.

A few passing motorists stopped and attempted to heard them back towards us and I must say I think I saw a few looks of a very impressed nature when the pigs all trotted towards , me when I called them.

A valuable lesson learned and we thanked our lucky stars that all 600 of them had not decided to go for a ramble in the countryside. Our bacon saved - this time!

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