Sunday 12 December 2010

Hubstacle - isms

I do have a laugh - at the hubstacles expense, he is really good at saying things the wrong way or pronouncing words incorrectly. As I have the hearing of a bat, I pick up on them immediately and the hysterics then commence.

Here are some examples -

1 - We are in a posh restaurant and he asks for the 'de-viled' prawns' (deviled). The waitress remained professional and calm. I however spat my wine all over the place laughing.

2 - We are driving in place we have never visited before, he says 'shall we follow the shitty shentre shines?' I nearly wet myself and he ends up having to pull over in a bus stop so he can compose himself before driving on.

3 - Commenting on something he asks 'have I got this the white way wound?' after laughing so much he forgets what he was asking.

4 - He calls the dog numerous times, gets quite cross when the dog won't respond until I point out he is shouting our son's name out!

5 - Making a choice about a snack he says; 'I'll have some macca dacca mania nuts' (macadamia)

6 - Talking about the farm he states, 'we won't be joining the shoil ashoshiation'

Just remembering these things makes me crack up laughing and I think that as a couple who have been together 9 years, married for 7 its great to have humour. All too many couples lose their funniness, or they get too serious and it turns in to other things which can be very negative in a relationship.

We get fits of the giggles quite alot and the hubstacle has a very infectious laugh and when he gets hysterical he sounds like a 13 year old girl on helium. This in itself creates that loop of laughing that, if you have ever experienced it, seems like you will never escape. You can't breathe, tears are streaming down your cheeks, your stomach hurts but the strangest thing is, is that if you try and explain whats funny to someone else it just does not seem funny at all!

Happy laughing everyone - keeps the stress away! x

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