Tuesday 24 July 2012

Boiling - and its not the weather!

A quick add-on entry because I have a few things I want to blog about but they are going to have to be in seperate posts or you - dear reader - will be in danger of going comatose. However - this one is to vent a little frustration over a couple of issues that have been swimming around my pea-sized brain.
Firstly - this is a public blog, I am not an idiot, I know there are people out there who just want a bit of a nose and see what I have to say - I suspect in the glimmer of hope that I might actually blog about them or spread some gossip about someone we mutually know. - Sorry to report that WILL NOT HAPPEN. If I have got something to say to someone I know, then I will say it to their face and you will not find me slagging anyone directly on here, so do one and go get your kicks elsewhere. Better still, how about actually joining the followers on this blog and show yourselves!! Next, someone emailed me - yes I do receive random emails from people who actually want advice, help, or just a bit of a chatter. So I suppose I can be likened to Marje Proops - just without the glasses and dodgy 'do'
A lady emailed me asking what to do about being excluded from the 'mummies' at her child's local primary school. This woman seemingly hosts coffee mornings, playdates, likes to be involved but never ever receives return invitations and the other women just go ahead and organise things themselves, excluding said lady - even though they are quite happy to snaffle all her chocolate hob nobs on a regular basis. After asking a few pointed questions - is your child the spawn of satan? Do you observe bad personal hygiene? Is your fashion sense ten years out of date? I came to the conclusion that this woman was trying too hard and in essence being walked over by these horrid people - who were probably as we speak enjoying a get together and laughing up their sleeves at how gullible my email buddy is. Now me being me - I would personally face up to them all, but I understand that this is not always the acceptable course of action for everyone. We came up with a plan, one that she was happy with - strong laxatives in their coffee was ruled out (only just mind you!) - and that she was going to stop inviting the adults around and so her child did not get left out continue one or two of the children coming for a play. I await to hear how it is going but it totally enrages me that people can be like this to each other. So my message is this - if you realise you are acting like one of these cretins - wind your neck in and show some decency in your life.

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