Tuesday 31 July 2012

Big Headed Boaster

So, after a rather 'tart' chat with my husband the other evening, he decided to 'advise' me that sometimes my FaceBook posts can appear very 'Look at me, Look at me, aren't I wonderful and aren't you all crap'. So, obviously I asked him what he meant and it seems that because I like posting what we all get up to, it could be taken as being 'show-offy'. So, I threw the question out there to my FB pals - ending with the option for them to delete themselves off my list or not to read my posts in the first place! I suppose this blog is really a little extension of what my family and I get up to as well, but I do like sharing things with people. If I find a bargain, get a good deal, have a good idea or tip - then I share. I love other people having positivity in their lives. Anyhoo, my friends seem to all think the same and that is they like reading my ramblings and some of them actually do get some inspiration from me - so immediately this does make me sure that I don't need to reign myself in. The hubby was of course only making sure he was protecting me and its nice that our relationship can withstand these honest discussions and opinions without the other person flying off the handle. Onwards.....

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