Friday 27 May 2011

Sleepless in the North of England

Sleeping problems are common, and most of us with young children will certainly, at one point or another, know what sleep deprivation is like.

Aadvark is 3 and Rhino, 2 and they are both, and pretty much have always been very good sleepers. This is something that I rarely tell other parents as usually they want to throttle me for having a good nights sleep.

However, I suspect the last laugh is now on me as I am currently having difficulty getting a good nights kip. The children are fine, the hubstacle snores away all night but I don't and its beginning to get a tad annoying.

I don't have a problem getting to sleep, in fact I drop off really quickly, but after a few hours I start waking up. The frequency can range from every 10 minutes to every 45 and this continues until about 5.30-6am when I seem to go back to sleep properly until I get up at 7am.

I have tried cutting out food and stimulents last thing at night, I read for a bit in bed, tiredness sweeps over me and I snuggle down and drop off. The only thing I can think of that is hindering my slumber is the dreams I seem to be having lately, they are not nice ones and I suppose there is a particular thing I am anxious about at the moment, but it won't be fixed any time soon.

So, how do you deal with no sleeping properly? Have you ever had to contend with long-term sleep deprivation?

I am sitting here typing and feel as if the weight of the world is bearing down on me, I am so tired that I feel sick. Reaching for the strong coffee is not an answer, but I have to function because of the children.

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