Sunday 29 May 2011


Until 2 years ago, we were foster parents - approved for up to 3 children aged between birth and 18 years old. During our time as foster parents, we experienced, first hand what neglect and abuse (all sorts) can do to a child - even small babies.

We decided to take a break when Rhino was born prematurely, we agreed that we needed to concentrate on our own children and give ourselves a rest and close that particular chapter in our lives.

The first three months were lovely - no log books to write, no monthly reports, meetings to attend, no court, no training, no nothing. However, one particular night, The Hubstacle and I were having a chat in general and during this time we both admitted that we really, really missed fostering very much.

We decided that if we still felt the same when Rhino reached 2 years old, then we would consider starting again. Rhino reached 2 at the start of May and we sent an enquiry email to the local authority. It seems that they want to snap our hands off because of our previous experience.

However, because of this previous experience we have laid down our limitations and they are that our children have to be the eldest in the house with the exception of mothers and their babies.

You may think that we are being choosy and blinkered, but remember we spent years fostering young people - all with differing needs and problems. Our own children's safety and well-being comes first - no matter what and with no exceptions. Some of the placements ended up being quite risky to other children in our home and we need to be 100% confident in everything we commit to.

Even though we are experienced, we still have to go through the whole process as if we are new carers - the Local Authority (LA) have said that they will try and fast-track us as much as possible.

It is very probable that we will be dealing with 'relinquished' (why they can't come up with a better word - I have no idea) babies - those being given up for adoption. It seems that there are more babies than cots, they are also having to send their mothers and babies out of county to be looked after as they don't have very many carers who can provide this kind of care.

I hope that the process is smooth and that we can get on with what we know we have a talent for. There is no doubt you will hear more over the coming weeks too!

Wish us luck!

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