Sunday 16 January 2011

Lord Without The Ring

There is no simple way of putting this, but the damn fool Hubstacle has gone and lost his wedding ring.

It must be terrible for him and I know he is very cross with himself, but although I am outwardly saying it's ok, inwardly I am really upset. Yes I know, it's only a ring, but the thing is The Hubstacle never wears jewellery and he has worn his ring for 7 years. It symbolises our marriage, we went to Windsor to choose them, spent a lovely weekend there drinking wine, eating good food and pottering about in a little independent jewellers.

It was an exciting time and those rings travelled all the way to Barbados with us, sat nestled in their little boxes until we married and they were transplanted on to our fingers. I don't think I have ever taken mine off.

Poor man, I know how I would be if I lost mine and there is no sense being funny with him because it was genuinely an accident and I would imagine it is some pigs stomach by now. The Hubstacle says that he can't remember the last time he saw it either. At first I was appalled, but then I realised that when something becomes familiar you assume it stays where it is.

It's not the cost of it, but the sentimentality, the journey it has taken with us it represents something more than just meaning we are married. Someone told me that their husband lost his down the back of the sofa and they never recovered it, that was 7 years ago and they are still married, so at least I know my marriage is not going to fall down around my ears.....

Well unless it has become too familiar and I assume it stays where it is......

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