Tuesday 7 August 2012

Scrap In The Scrapstore

So, if any of you have been watching the Channel 4 series - Superscrimpers - you will have undoubtably come across the notion of the 'Scrapstore'. I knew these existed a while ago, as a friend of mine who lives in Somerset has one very close to her. She was telling me that you could basically fill up a shopping trolley of stuff for £10. No this, sounded like an opportunity too good to miss, but again - living in the North of Northumberland - it seems we don't have children (not a great deal of things to do for the children, but its getting better), we don't plan to have children (the maternity unit is closing and the nearest birthing care will be a 60 mile trip!), we don't wear decent clothes (hardly anywhere to buy glad rags. And unless you go into Home Bargains (which do some pretty good deals and I go there often), no decently priced anything really. So I discover the nearest Scrapstore to me is in Selkirk - 60 minutes away. The moment I find out about this Aladins cave I want to go - it was midnight, but I wanted to go the next day but 'coises' it is closed for a holiday for the following week! Aaaarrgghhh. I patiently count down the days and today was the day. So before the epic trip I thought I had better ring to find out what I need to bring to become a member. The friendly chap just said 'nothing at all', so off we went in the car.
Inevitably, we get there and we can't find the place, so another call to the friendly chap and he talks me in - I am on in-car speaker by the way before any of you go and report me to the rozzers!. I walk in and my eyes pop out on stalks, everything you can think if is there; fabric card, cardmaking stuff, paper, buttons, ribbon, felt, plastic, paint, frames.... the list goes on. The majority of things there are salvaged from companies who donate them, other things are new but very very cheap indeed. My friendly chap explains how things work - its not like the one in Somerset as those particular ones are heavily funded - you choose what you want (some things are priced) and then make a deal on what you pay. There is a membership fee £7 for individuals, £25 for groups who have up to 25 users, although friendly chap said that I didn't have to become a member - but quite frankly if you didn't that is taking the p*ss, they are a charity for flips sake! So my little haul - is pictured below. Now bearing in mind I had the ankle snappers with me, I couldn't concentrate and luckily (according to the hubstacle!) didn't spend as much as I could have done!
There is a large sheet of silver card, orange, yellow and black felt, a huge piece of navy fabric, sheets of thick card, box of cardmaking bits and pieces, coloured labels, coloured papers, bias binding which came to £11, with my membership, I spent £18 which by any stretch of the imagination is a total and utter bargain. I love this place - its my new best friend!


  1. John Cannel at Borders Scrapstore will be chuffed to bits when he reads this fabulous blog - thank-you for spreading the word :)

  2. You are welcome Nikki, its a great place and I have been going on about it to anyone who will listen!! I loo!)k forward to the commission from all those new members coming from my area! (just kidding)
