Sunday 26 February 2012

It's Not Me, It's You!

I have been guilty of taking my eye off the ball when driving once or twice in the past. Serious incidents have been averted in the nick of time, my heart has been in my mouth and beating a million miles an hour but most importantly, I have learned by my mistakes and never repeated them.

A tame(ish) example - as in one that won't get me imprisoned - is I forgot to put my glasses on when setting out in the car. Halfway in to my journey (I was on my own) I realised and started fumbling about for them in my bag which was on the passenger seat.

I look down for a second and when I look up my car is now on the other side of the road and there is a great big lorry is heading towards me. One massive swerve later and I was out of harms way but I did not feel normal for a good few hours and I now if I have forgotten to put my glasses on - I pull over in order to do the bag rummaging.

I was pondering near-misses yesterday and wondered just how many of us now have actually forgotten how to be safe and dice with danger on a daily basis but so far having averted death or serious injury?

The Hubstacle and I were driving to the Big Smoke the other day and instead of chattering and staring at the scenery, I decided to look at what other drivers were doing as they sped along.

Here is the top ten

1. Speaking on Mobile Phone
2. Texting or dialling on Mobile Phone (obviously I wasn't that close to tell!)
3. Picking their nose (glad I wasn't that close!)
4. Talking to their passenger and not looking where they were driving
5. Rubber necking as they went by an accident
6. Facing the back of the car telling children off
7. Reaching for something in the back of the car
8. Doing their make-up
9. Fiddling with their sat nav
10.Kissing their passenger

Quite the list isn't it, and this was in just 30 minutes! As I said before, I have made mistakes and done things I shouldn't but why do we seem to be able to make excuses for our own bad driving yet go nuts at everyone elses?

I hear lots of people say 'I am a safe driver', yes, you might very well be, but its odds on your accident will be a direct result of one of the clowns mentioned above!

Stay Safe Everyone!

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